Longgang District Measures to Advocate Headquarters' High-quality Development (trial)
Chapter One General Provision
Article 1 The Measures is formulated in accordance with Shenzhen Municipal Measures to Advocate Headquarters’ High-quality Development, to push the high-quality development of headquarters in Longgang District, and to further promote the high-quality development of headquarters economy in Longgang District.
Article 2 The headquarters referred to herein is the head office that operates the business actually in Longgang District, belongs to independent legal person, and performs the function to manage and provide services for the branch offices, in the aspect of investment, holding, operation, decision making, research, development, concentrated sale, financial settlement, etc.
Chapter Two Qualification
Article 3 On the basis of Article 2, an enterprise could be identified as headquarters as meeting one of the following conditions.
1. Being municipal-level headquarters which operate business in Longgang District actually;
2. The output value / operating income of the last year that’s included in Longgang District’s economic account and the economic contribution to Longgang District both could meet one of the following standards (unit: CNY; and the following keeps the same):
3. Being headquarters in conformation to Longgang District’s development strategy and industrial policy and having the role of supporting the industry or leading science and technology development, that have signed cooperation agreement with Longgang District People’s Government as recommended by Longgang District’s related regulatory authority. In principle, the regulatory authority should recommend no more than one headquarters in the “11+2” industrial clusters and “3+4” key industries, to sign the cooperation agreement with the Government.
Chapter Three Support
Article 4 Award for Headquarters Located in Longgang District
An enterprise that’s registered or located in Longgang District after The Measures is put in efforts and that is certified as headquarters, would be awarded the amount equal to 30% of the economic value that it contributes to the District during the last year (no more than 30 million yuan), in the first year that it has been identified as headquarters; and awarded no more than 30 million yuan in the second and third year in which it is re-certified as headquarters. The total awards to one single enterprise should be no more than 60 million yuan. As an enterprise belongs to government-specially-introduced enterprise, the award should follow the related agreement that reached when it signs cooperation agreement with Longgang District People’s Government.
Article 5 Award for Headquarters’ Contribution to Longgang District
Headquarters could apply for the award as its output value / operating income included in the District’s account and the financial value it contributed to the District both keep a positive increase. The award should be equal to 5‰of the enterprise’s added income of the last year as calculated in Income Approach, but could not be more than 20 million yuan or 50% of the added financial value that the enterprise contributed to Longgang District during the last year.
Article 6 As headquarters do not own office space in Longgang District and need to rent one (excluding supporting facility, supplementary space or policy-preferential housing) , they would be granted a subsidy equal to 50% of the rental. But, each headquarters could gain the subsidy for no more than 5 years, with the amount for each year no more than 2 million yuan.
As headquarters own office space, but the office space is not large enough to accommodate the business production and operation, and the headquarters rent space for its R&D and production, they would be granted a subsidy equal to 50% of the actual rental. But, each headquarters could enjoy the subsidy for no more than 3 years, with the amount for each year no more than 1.5 million yuan.
Any headquarters to gain the subsidy, must rent the space after being identified as headquarters.
Article 7 As headquarters do not own office space in Longgang District and purchase one (excluding supporting facility, supplementary space or policy preferential housing), they could gain a subsidy, equal to 10% of the price at which they purchase the office space, but no more than 20 million yuan or the financial value they contributed to Longgang District during the last year. And, the purchase must happen after they have been identified as headquarters. The purchased office space for which the above-mentioned subsidy is granted, could not be sold out within 10 years, otherwise the subsidy granted should be returned.
Article 8 A headquarters enterprise could not enjoy the supports stipulated in Article 6 and Article 7 of The Measures simultaneously.
Article 9 The award and subsidy to the headquarters should be got from Longgang District Special Fund for Development and Reform.
Article 10 Headquarters would be tied directly to Longgang District’s related authorities, the latter being responsible for providing government services as the former needs. And, headquarters may enjoy the convenient services exclusive for large-scale headquarters or their major business, the related demands being handled in more direct and effective way. The details should be stipulated by Longgang District Investment Promotion and Enterprise Service Center.
Article 11 The employees of headquarters could apply to rent and purchase talent-preferential apartments as meeting the standard of the government’s guarantee for talent’s settlement. And the senior management officers could enjoy the special guarantees as meeting related standards. The details should be stipulated by Longgang Housing and Construction Department.
Article 12 The senior management officers of headquarters, who meet related standards, would be granted with “Shenzhen Excellent Talent Card (Longgang)” and would be accessible to the preferential policies and convenient measures in terms of child education, medical care, residence, cross-border travel, etc.
The senior management officers of headquarters, identified as professionals specialized in Longgang District’s major industries, would be granted with monetary award. The enforcement should follow Longgang District’s related stipulation.
Chapter Four Supervision
Article 13 Longgang District Headquarters Economy Working Group would be in charge of guiding, administrating, supervising the development of Longgang District’s headquarters, checking headquarters-preferential measures, processing the applications from headquarters, disqualifying the ones that are nor up to the related standards, and the like. The mayor of Longgang District would serve as the group leader. And, the deputy group leader would be the leader in charge of Longgang District Development and Reform Bureau. The office would be located in Longgang District Development and Reform Bureau, and would be responsible for the daily work.
Article 14 The Office of Longgang District Headquarters Economy Working Group would undertake the responsibility to identify and qualify headquarters. Longgang District Development and Reform Bureau would lead authorities in charge of market supervision, statistics, taxation and the like, to verify the qualification. The enterprises meeting related standards would be listed in Longgang District’s catalog of headquarters.
Article 15 Longgang District Development and Reform Bureau should be responsible for processing the applications for the Award for Headquarters Located in Longgang District, Award for Headquarters’ Contribution to Longgang District, and the subsidy for Headquarters’ renting and purchase of office space. And, Longgang District Development and Reform Bureau should then lead the authorities of market supervision, statistics, taxation and the like, to check the qualification and should publicize the list of qualified candidates.
Article 16 An enterprise could apply to be municipal-level headquarters and district-level headquarters simultaneously.
But an enterprise could not benefit from the support specified in The Measures and Longgang District’s any other preferential / supporting policy for the same reason simultaneously. It’s prohibited that an enterprise applies for different supports, awards or subsidies for the same reason.
Article 17 Headquarters should submit the data needed to Longgang District’s statistical department timely and accurately.
Article 18 Longgang District Headquarters Economy Working Group should cooperate with Longgang District’s statistical department, taxation department and related departments in assessing the effect of Longgang District Special Fund for the Development of Headquarters Economy, checking the enforcement of the policies and documents related to headquarters economy, and proposing the report about the development of Longgang District’s headquarters economy.
Article 19 Longgang District market supervision department should build the information-sharing mechanism and inform Longgang District Headquarters Economy Working Group timely of any headquarters’ change in the enterprise name, registered capital, merger, separation, dissolution, liquidation, equity transfer, relocation, etc.
Article 20 Longgang District Headquarters Economy Working Group should employ government’s information-sharing platforms and other information-sharing platforms, to better its enterprise supervision and service, to conduct yearly check on headquarters’ qualification and make according adjustments. As headquarters are found unqualified for the first time, Longgang District Development and Reform Department and Longgang District’s related regulatory department would talk with the headquarters about the latter rectification and improvement. As headquarters are found unqualified for consecutive two times, it would be removed from Longgang District’s catalog of headquarters.
Article 21 Headquarters gaining any of the awards, supports and subsidies mentioned herein through cheating or through breaking laws or regulations, would be included in the list of severely-dishonest entities, could not benefit from related preferential or supporting policies any more, and should return the award, support and subsidy granted. The misconducts may be exposed through news media, as needed. As the headquarters are suspected of committing laws, judicial measures would be taken.
Chapter Five Supplementary Provisions
Article 22 The output value / operating income and economic value contributed to Longgang District that are mentioned above, should be included in the data of the headquarters’ independent legal-person institutions (including the branches) and of the enterprises in Longgang District over which the candidates have the actual control right and whose financial data would be included in the headquarters' financial statement.
Article 23 The economic value contribute to Longgang District that is mentioned above, refers to the corporate income tax, value-added tax, urban maintenance and construction tax, stamp tax, local surcharge for education, education surcharge, building tax, urban land use tax, cultural establishments construction tax, that are treated as Longgang District’s tax revenue.
Article 24 As a candidate’s subsidiary applies to gain the awards, supports and subsidies on its own, the subsidiary’s output value / operating income and economic value contributed to Longgang District could not be included in those of the candidate.
Article 25 The numeral expressions involving using “more than” “over” “no more than” do not mean to include the number following.
Article 26 The Measures should be explained by Longgang District Development and Reform Bureau of Shenzhen.
Article 27 The Measures would come into force starting from November 24, 2023, with the validity lasting for 3 years.