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A Notice from Longgang District Industry and Information Technology Bureau of Shenzhen about the Issuing of the Detailed Rules on Supporting Low-altitude Industrial Development with Longgang District’s Industry and Information Technology Industrial Development Fund

Source: Longgang Convergence Media GroupUpdated:2024-10-14

To the relative units,

As permitted by the Peoples Government of Longgang District, the Detailed Rules on Supporting Low-altitude Industrial Development with Longgang Districts Industry and Information Technology Industrial Development Fund is herein issued. And, it should be obeyed.

Longgang District Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Shenzhen

May 09, 2024


 The Detailed Rules on Supporting Low-altitude Industrial Development with Longgang Districts Industry and Information Technology Industrial Development Fund

Chapter One General Provisions

Article 1 Following Shenzhen Municipal Implementation Plan for the Innovative Development of the Low-altitude Economy (2022-2025) and Longgang District Methods for Promoting the Low-altitude Economy, the document is formulated based on the actual needs, in accordance with The Methods of Managing the District-level Financial Fund of Longgang District of Shenzhen (No. [2021] 1 of Shenzhen (Longgang District) Governmental Rules) and The Methods of Managing Longgang District Industry and Information Technology Industrial Development Fund (No. [2022] 5 of Longgang District Industry and Information Technology Rules).

Article 2 The funds stipulated in the document should be extracted from Longgang Districts Industry and Information Technology Industrial Development Fund. The total amount of the funds should be controlled within the certain limit. As the amount of the yearly funds exceeds the financial budget, the funds should be reduced proportionately.

Article 3 Longgang District Industry and Information Technology Bureau of Shenzhen is obligated to implement the document.

Chapter Two Support Object, Support Standard and the Examination

Article 4 To support the establishment of advanced low-altitude technological application platforms

1.Support object: The low-altitude economy research institutions, who are the main characters for the implementation of Shenzhen Municipal Implementation Plan for the Innovative Development of the Low-altitude Economy and are engaged in the establishment of the intelligent and integrated low-altitude infrastructures, should be funded for they settle in or set up their branches in Longgang District of Shenzhen.

2.Method and standard of the support: The institutions proved qualified, should be funded at no more than 40%, 35%, or 30% of their actual operation expenses (mainly including decoration cost, equipment expense, human resource cost, R&D expenditure, field cost, the expenditure on integrated flying monitoring and controlling equipment, basic operation cost) during the first 3 years, with the yearly amount not exceeding 40 million yuan. The funds of the first year should be paid in two parts. The first part, which amounts to 25% of the yearly amount, should be distributed in the 4th month after the institutions have landed in Longgang District; while the second part, which equals 40% of the institutions actual operation expenses but that could not be more than 40 million yuan, should be distributed as the institutions have registered in Longgang District for a complete year, with the amount of the first payment has been deducted.

3.Examination: the examination and verification are necessitated before the granting of related permit and approval.

Article 5 To Support the establishment of specialized R&D platforms

1.Support object: the laboratories and joint laboratories set up in Longgang District by the key laboratories, engineering laboratories, technological innovation centers and other innovation organizations, that are engaged in the field of low-altitude economy and approved by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC, State Bureau of Market Regulation, Civic Aviation Bureau of China and other relative authorities.

2.Method and standard of the support: The laboratories and joint laboratories that are set up in Longgang District by the key laboratories, engineering laboratories, technological innovation centers and other innovation organizations, that are engaged in the field of low-altitude economy and approved by the national authorities like Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC, State Bureau of Market Regulation, Civic Aviation Bureau of China, should be awarded once for all at no more than 500,000 yuan, for they get located in Longgang District. The R&D organizations that have ever been awarded in accordance with Shenzhen Municipal Methods for Supporting the High-quality Development of the Low-altitude Economy, should be funded by the district at 20% of the municipal amount. A single one could not gain more than 2 million yuan.

3.Examination: the examination and verification are necessitated before the granting of related permit and approval.

Article 6 To attract complete vehicle researching and manufacturing projects

1.Support object: the low-altitude economy enterprises that are engaged in the researching and manufacturing of the complete vehicles.

2.Method and standard of the support: The newcomers engaged in the researching and manufacturing of the complete vehicle in Longgang District whose production values or business revenues of the previous year reached 50 million yuan, 100 million yuan, 500 million yuan or 1 billion yuan, should be respectively awarded 1.5 million yuan, 3 million yuan, 10 million yuan, or 20 million yuan once for all for they get located in Longgang District.

3.Examination: the examination and verification are necessitated before the granting of related permits and approval.

Article 7 To attract the enterprises engaged in the research and manufacture of core low-altitude industrial components and key materials

1.Support object: the enterprises engaged in the research and manufacture of core low-altitude industrial components and the key materials, like master chip, core sensor, core connector, precision component, carbon-fibre aircraft body material (the definition of core low-altitude industrial components and the key materials mentioned herein should be determined in accordance to Article 6(1) of Shenzhen Municipal Methods for Supporting the High-quality Development of the Low-altitude Economy, which specifies the definition of aircraft bodys software and hardware capacities.)

2.Method and standard of the support: The newcomers in Longgang District that are engaged in low-altitude industry and whose production values or business revenues of the previous year have reached 20 million yuan, 50 million yuan, 100 million yuan or 500 million yuan, would be awarded respectively 600,000 yuan, 1.5 million yuan, 3 million yuan or 10 million yuan once for all, for they get located in Longgang District.

3.Examination: the examination and verification are necessitated before the granting of related permit and approval.

Article 8 To encourage enterprises to increase their investments

1.Support object: the low-altitude industrial manufacturing enterprises located in Longgang District.

2.Method and standard of the support: the enterprises who contributed the fixed asset investment of 20 million yuan or more to Longgang Districts financial statistics in the previous year, should be funded at 20% of the actual fixed asset investments (excluding the expenses on land), with the yearly total amount to a single enterprise not exceeding 30 million yuan.

3.Examination: the examination and verification are necessitated before the granting of related permit and approval.

Article 9 To support enterprises further development

1.Support object: the low-altitude economy enterprises whose production values or business revenues have been up to the designated scale.

2.Method and standard of the support: the low-altitude economy enterprises should be respectively awarded once for all, no more than 200,000 yuan, 500,000 yuan, 1 million yuan or 3 million yuan at the first time that their manufacturing values have ever reached 20 million yuan, 50 million yuan, 100 million yuan or 300 million yuan; and the low-altitude economy enterprises should be respectively awarded once for all no more than 100,000 yuan, 300,000 yuan, 500,000 yuan or 1 million yuan at the first time that their service revenues have ever reached 10 million yuan, 30 million yuan, 100 million yuan or 300 million yuan. The enterprises who have met the related standards but never applied for the award before would be treated as having met the standards for the first time. As an enterprise has ever gained an inferior award but also becomes qualified for a superior award, the difference between the awards should be made up. As an enterprise has before been granted the award for getting located in Longgang District and also becomes qualified for the award mentioned in the article, the difference should be made up.

3.Examination: the examination and verification are necessitated before the granting of related permit and approval.

Article 10 To support low-altitude passenger aviation services

1.Support object: the enterprises offering low-altitude passenger aviation services in Longgang District.

2.Method and standard of the support: (1) the enterprises should be subsidized at 50% of their actual expenses on flying along the routes of Longgang District, with the yearly amount to a single enterprise no more than 5 million yuan. (2) The enterprises which offer passenger aviation services to the commercial contributors to Longgang District, should be awarded in accordance with Free Flying in Merry Longgang District Working Plan to Promote Low-altitude Consumption, after being registered with relative authorities, with the yearly awards not exceeding 15 million yuan. (3) An enterprise could not simultaneously be granted the subsidy and award in the fore-mentioned 2 articles.

3.Examination: the examination and verification are necessitated before the granting of related permit and approval.

Article 11 To support low-altitude cargo transportation services

1.Support object: the enterprises offering low-altitude cargo transportation services in Longgang District.

2.Method and standard of the support: An enterprise should be subsidized at 25 yuan for each drone flight carrying a no-more-than 25-kilogram load, and 50 yuan for each drone flight carrying a load being over 25 kilograms but no more than 150 kilograms. The enterprise who has opened a new route, should be subsidized 200,000 yuan each time 5,000 flights have been finished along the new route. Totally, an enterprise could not gain more than 10 million yuan in a year.

3.Examination: the examination and verification are necessitated before the granting of related permit and approval. It should be subject to relative documents and the payment proofs which could identify the relative municipal departments authentication or subsidy.  

Article 12 To support the operation of comprehensive drone testing base

1.Support object: the enterprises operating a free or public-welfare drone flying test field.

2.Method and standard of the support: the enterprises should be subsidized at 50% of their operation expenses on renting, equipment, employment and the like , with the yearly amount not exceeding 3 million yuan.

3.Examination: the examination and verification are necessitated before the granting of related permit and approval. It should be subject to the third partys audit report to decide the amount of the operation expenses involved.

Article 13 To support low-altitude testing and identification services

1. Support object: the enterprises and organizations providing the services like inspection and testing, standard setting, flying qualification checking.

2. Method and standard of the support: the enterprises and organizations should be subsidized once for all at 20% of the actually-increased fixed asset investment involved, with the amount to a single investor no more than 5 million yuan.

3.Examination: the examination and verification are necessitated before the granting of related permit and approval.

Article 14 To advocate low-altitude-industry-oriented financial services

1. Support object: the manufacturing enterprises that insure a new low-altitude flying product for the first time or insure the business related to the production of low-altitude flying vehicles.

2.Method and standard of the support: an enterprise should be subsidized at 20% of its yearly total insurance premiums,within the maximum limit of 500,000 yuan.

3.Examination: the examination and verification are necessitated before the granting of related permit and approval.

Article 15 To support low-altitude industrial conferences and other related industrial events

1.Support object: the enterprises and organizations that hold a low-altitude industrial conference or any other industrial events which are helpful for improving the influence of the industry.

2. Method and standard of the support: an enterprise or  organization that hold an industrial event under national, provincial or municipal permit, or that hold an industrial event which is listed by relative industrial authorities as key project, should be awarded at 50% of the event expenses, with the maximum not exceeding 1 million yuan.

3.Examination: the examination and verification are necessitated before the granting of related permit and approval. It should be subject to a third-party audit report to decide the amount of the expenses on holding the events.

Article 16 To support the establishment of low-altitude industrial cluster and manufacturing bases

1. Support object: the enterprises and scientific institutions that get located in low-altitude industrial cluster.

2. Method and standard of the support: (1) the enterprises and scientific institutions should be subsidized at 50% of the actual renting cost, with the yearly amount to a single enterprise or scientific institution not exceeding 1 million yuan.

3.Examination: the examination and verification are necessitated before the granting of related permit and approval.

Article 17 To support the establishment of low-altitude industrial infrastructures

1.Support object: the enterprises and scientific institutions engaged in establishing low-altitude industrial infrastructures like experimental sensing/locating/navigating/communication/controlling stations, taking-off/landing fields.

2.Method and standard of the support: the enterprises and scientific institutions each should be subsidized at 50% of the actual expenses on establishing the infrastructures (excluding those in purchasing aircraft or relative software systems), with the total amount for a single taking-off/landing field not exceeding 200,000 yuan and to a single enterprise or scientific institution not exceeding 1 million yuan.

3.Examination: the examination and verification are necessitated before the granting of related permit and approval. It should be subject to a third-party audit report to decide the establishment expenses.

Chapter Three Application Requirements

Article 18 There are basic requirements and special requirements for applying for the support above mentioned. Applicants should meet the basic requirements as the following:

1. The applicants should be independent-legal-person enterprises, third-party testing organizations, scientific research institutions or the branch institutions, that are approved by the districts authorities, that actually operate low-altitude-industry-related business in Longgang District and meet the related requirements, or should be the social organizations that hold a low-altitude industrial event in Longgang District.

2.The applicants have never been listed as seriously-dishonest.

3.The applicants should ensure that their application materials are true, legitimate and complete. Any cheat in the application should be prohibited.

4.The applicants should submit reliable and true data on their production and operation.

5.The applicants should at least keep running their businesses in Longgang District during the following 3 years after gaining the support.

6.Any means of repeated application should be prohibited.

7.The applicants should obey the conditions and terms in the laws, regulations and the normative documents formulated by the superior authorities.

Article 19 The applicants should meet the following special requirements and the requirements stipulated in the Application Guide that Longgang District Industry and Information Technology Bureau of Shenzhen formulates in accordance with the document.

1.Facilitating the establishment of advanced low-altitude technology application platforms

(1)The applicants should be the municipal specialized low-altitude  entities that are in charge of establishing municipal low-altitude industrial infrastructures and set up their branches or independent legal-person entities in Longgang District.

(2)The actual operation expenses mainly includes decoration expense, equipment expenditure, human resource cost, R&D expenditure, field cost, the expenditure on integrated flying monitoring and controlling device, basic operation cost and the like.

(3)The term of the operation expenses should be counted from the signing of the related agreement, with every 12 months as a complete year.

2.Facilitating the establishment of specialized R&D platforms

(1)The enterprises, organizations and other entities that have gained the support mentioned herein, could not be granted Longgang Districts any other support or award, with the same cause.

(2)It should be subject to the superiors shortlist and the municipal payment proof to decide the shortlist for and the amount of the supplementary funds given by the district.

3.Attracting complete vehicle researching and manufacturing projects

(1)The applicants should be the independent-legal-person entities that run their businesses actually in Longgang District.

(2)The period that an applicant has been located in Longgang District should be counted from the day of its registration in Longgang District.

(3)Each applicants production value and business revenue of the previous year should be subject to the data in the statistical reports submitted after they get located in Longgang District.

4.Attracting the enterprises engaged in core low-altitude component business and the key material business

(1)The applicants should be the independent-legal-person entities that actually run their businesses in Longgang District.

(2)The period that an applicant has been located in Longgang District should be counted from the day of its registration in Longgang District.

(3)The applicants production values and business revenues of the previous year should be subject to the data in the statistical reports submitted after they get located in Longgang District.

5.Encouraging enterprises to increase their investments

(1) The applicants should be the independent-legal-person entities that actually run their businesses, manufacture goods and improve their technologies in Longgang District.

(2)The application matters could not be government-invested.

6. Promoting enterprise growth

(1)The enterprises that have been awarded for their being listed in Longgang Districts catalogue of above-designated-size industrial enterprises, above-designated-quota commercial enterprises and above-designated-size service enterprises, could not apply for the support mentioned herein.

(2)Each applicants production value should be subject to the data in the reports submitted to Longgang Districts related statistical authorities.

(3)The enterprises having gained the support mentioned herein could not claim Longgang Districts other enterprise-growth-oriented support or award, with the same cause.

7.Facilitating low-altitude passenger aviation services

(1)The applicants should be the independent-legal-person entities that operate their businesses in Longgang District and open at least 5 flight lines in Longgang District.

(2) The actual expenses of flying along the lines mainly include the human resource cost, depreciated amount and other operation costs, with everything involved being subject to the third-party audit reports. If the operation expenses are indeed undertaken by a wholly-owned associate enterprise, the audit report of the parent or the associate enterprise should be submitted.

8.Facilitating low-altitude cargo transportation services

(1)The applicants should be the independent-legal-person entities that actually operate their business in Longgang District.

(2)The quantitative base of the support mentioned herein should be subject to the payment proof of similar municipal support (excluding that related to the case that the taking-off and landing field is not in Longgang District).

9.Facilitating the operation of comprehensive drone testing bases

(1)The applicants should register in advance with the districts  related authorities in accordance with the Detailed Rules formulated by Longgang District Industry and Information Technology Bureau of Shenzhen.

(2)The operation expenses involved mainly include the renting cost, equipment expenditure, wage and the like, which should be subject to the third-party audit reports.

10.Supporting low-altitude testing and identification services

(1)The applicants should be the independent-legal-person entities that actually operate their businesses in Longgang District.

(2)The actual inputs mainly include the renting cost, wage, equipment expenditure and the like, which should be subject to the third-party audit reports.

11.Encouraging low-altitude-industry-oriented financial services

(1)The applicants should be the independent-legal-person entities that operate their businesses in Longgang District.

(2)The applicants each should purchase a policy for their low-altitude economic business from an insurance agency that is registered or has a branch in Longgang District.

12.Supporting low-altitude industrial conferences and the academic forums

(1) The applicants should be the independent-legal-person entities that operate their businesses in Longgang District.

(2)The expenses of holding a conference /forum should be subject to the third-party audit reports.

13.Supporting the establishment of low-altitude industrial cluster and manufacturing bases

(1)Low-altitude industrial cluster herein refers to the low-altitude industrial park in Longgang District that is inaugurated with the permit from Shenzhen Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau.

(2)Low-altitude industrial manufacturing base refers to the smart low-altitude industrial manufacturing park that consists of the various pieces of the industrial space chosen by the districts relative authorities for the Industry-upstairs project and other excellent projects.

14.Supporting the establishment of low-altitude industrial infrastructures

(1) The applicants should be the independent-legal-person entities that operate their businesses in Longgang District.

(2) The low-altitude industrial infrastructures should be established in Longgang District.

(3) The actual establishment expenses should be subject to the third-party audit reports.

Chapter Four Examination of the Application

Article 20 Longgang District Industry and Information Technology Bureau of Shenzhen should formulate the guide to (notice on) the annual support application, in accordance with the document, which would specify the application processing term, the specifications of the application material and other details and which would be publicized in 龙岗政府在线 website and the official website of Longgang District Industry and Information Technology Bureau of Shenzhen.

Article 21 The applicants should follow the guide (notice) fore-mentioned to report the application information and submit related materials.

Article 22 Longgang District Industry and Information Technology Bureau of Shenzhen should be in charge of examining the applications, seeking suggestions from related authorities and re-examing the applications, as well as checking the applicants actual operation locations, whether they have been listed as seriously-dishonest entities, and other conditions of the applicants.

Article 23 Longgang District Industry and Information Technology Bureau of Shenzhen could entrust the appraisal, audit and other tasks alike to a specialized third-party service institution, which should feed back the appraisal report, audit report or other reports alike to Longgang District Industry and Information Technology Bureau of Shenzhen.

Article 24 Longgang District Industry and Information Bureau of Shenzhen should take into consideration the appraisal report, audit report and other reports it has received to formulate the monetary support plan, make the shortlist of the support objects and decide the support amount in accordance with the yearly monetary plan.

Article 25 The list of the candidates for the support should be publicized on 龙岗政府在线 website and the official website of Longgang District Industry and Information Technology Bureau of Shenzhen, for 5 work days. Any objections could be raised in written form and reported to Longgang District Industry and Information Technology Bureau of Shenzhen during the 5-work-day publicity term. And, Longgang District Industry and Information Technology Bureau of Shenzhen would make related investigations, conduct the re-examinations, and would inform the involved candidates of the reasons for the cancel of the support in the corresponding cases.

Article 26 In the case of any cheat, trick, intentionally-repeated application, intentional avoidance or obstruction of the examination or supervision, and any other misconduct alike, Longgang District Industry and Information Technology Bureau of Shenzhen could terminate the examination procedures, cancel and withdraw the support, as well as reporting the misconduct in the public credit information platform, holding the corresponding party responsible for the misconduct, and handing over the one suspected of committing a crime to related judicial authorities in accordance with laws and regulations.

Chapter Five Supplementary Articles

Article 27 The low-altitude industrial enterprise(s) mentioned herein refer(s) to the independent-legal-person enterprise(s) engaged in general aviation, the manufacturing of unmanned aerial vehicles, low-altitude aviation, low-altitude-business operation and the  guarantee services, and any other businesses in the low-altitude industrial chain.

Article 28 It should be the duty of the districts related industrial authorities to judge whether an enterprise or a project could be of great significance or could have a strong influence to Longgang Districts low-altitude industrial development.

Article 29 An entity could not simultaneously benefit from the support policies mentioned herein and Longgang Districts any other support policies, with the same cause. As an entity meets both the requirements for the support mentioned herein and those for Longgang Districts any other support, with the same cause, it is independent in its application, in the principle that the greater support would usually be preferred, but repeated application should be prohibited.

Article 30 Longgang District Industry and Information Technology Bureau of Shenzhen should be in charge of explaining the document.

Article 31 The fund(s) under the document should be rounded and kept in the unit of yuan.

Article 32 Otherwise with a special notice, the expressions of date, ratio, amount and the like should include the numbers appearing in the expressions. Year mentioned herein should refer to the calendar year.

Article 33 The document should be effective beginning from May 20 of 2024, with the validity of 3 years. Longgang District Industry and Information Technology Bureau of Shenzhen should be in charge of amending, adjusting, publicizing and implementing the document, in accordance with the actual situation.