On Jan. 09 of 2025, Hurun publicized 2024 Hurun China Artificial Intelligence Enterprises Top 50 -- a ranking list based on the market value. It is the first time that Hurun has ever made the ranking list of the sort.
Among the top 50 AI enterprises on the list, there are 13 visual identity enterprises represented by SenseTime (商汤科技), 11 automatic driving enterprises represented by DiDi Autonomous Driving (滴滴自动驾驶), 8 content generation enterprises represented by Moonshot AI (月之暗面), 7 data analysis enterprises represented by 4Paradigm (第四范式), 6 voice recognition enterprises represented by iFLYTEK (科大讯飞) and 5 computing and hardware enterprises represented by Cambricon (寒武纪).
Cambricon(寒武纪) -- an enterprise specialized in the technological research and innovation of AI chips, is placed in first place on the ranking list, with the market value of 238 billion yuan. iFLYTEK (科大讯飞)-- an enterprise leading the way in intelligent voice, is in the second place, with the market value of 116 billion yuan. SenseTime(商汤科技)-- a representative enterprise in machine vision and big model, is in the third place, with the market value of 50 billion yuan. Then in the ranking follow respectively Horizon Robotics(地平线), Pony.ai(小马智行) and WeRide(文远智行) -- 3 enterprises in automatic driving sector.
Beijing leads the way, with 20 enterprises got on the list, followed respectively by Shanghai with 9 ones, Shenzhen with 8 ones and Guangzhou with 4 ones.
Hu Run -- Chairman and Chief Research Officer of Hurun Report expressed that the first-tier cities boast over 80% of the enterprises on the list, which could betray the significance and attraction of the first-tier cities in AI sector.
Beijing shares the profoundest base for the development of AI, as a great number of Hurun China Top 500 Enterprises are headquartered in Beijing, and numerous top-ranked educational institutions are located in Beijing. Shanghai boasts the largest quantity of AI professionals, as the number in Shanghai hits about 250,000 due to the city’s high level of internationalism. And, Shenzhen saw the highest density of AI, as it leads China in the quantity of AI and related enterprises and in the coverage of the basic, technology-oriented and application-oriented AI enterprises.
Notably, among the 8 enterprises in Shenzhen that are on the ranking list of 2024 Hurun China Artificial Intelligence Enterprises Top 50, Intellifusion (云天励飞) is the one located in Longgang District of Shenzhen. Founded in 2014, the AI enterprise has a comprehensive competence with its businesses covering computing, chip and big model sectors.
Notice: 2024 Hurun China Artificial Intelligence Enterprises Top 50 only covers disembodied intelligence enterprises as the items of the list, excluding embodied intelligence enterprises or the enterprises that have made some achievements in AI sector but do not regard AI business as the core.
The market value based on which the ranking list is made, should be determined in accordance with the closing price at the stock market of Dec. 18, 2024 as to listed enterprises, or should be estimated in reference to those of listed enterprises of the same industry or their own latest round of finance as to non-listed enterprises.
Reference: southcn.com; Securities Times; Shenzhen Evening News
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